Monday, June 23, 2008

Libertarian Scotty Boman debuts new Web site; endorsed by Ron Paul state coordinator

Michigan Libertarians, Help Scotty Boman's campaign for US Senate.


June 23rd, 2008 · 6 Comments

Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate, Scotty Boman, debuted his new Web site on Saturday. The site prominently features Ron Paul and the “R3VOLution” logo, and the Boman campaign says it hopes to build on Ron Paul’s Michigan momentum in a statewide campaign. More than 10,000 MIchiganders signed up to volunteer for Ron Paul and donated more than $600,000 to his campaign.

Boman is a long-time Libertarian activist. He became a Libertarian in 1985 and met and voted for Ron Paul in 1988, when Paul was the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee. In 1993, Boman successfully chaired the Libertarian Party’s ballot-access drive, putting the Libertarian Party of Michigan on the ballot where it has remained since. Beginning in 1994, Boman has been a candidate in every statewide partisan election — this is eighth run as a Libertarian. In 1997, Boman was endorsed by the Detroit News in the race for Detroit city council.

In this race, he has already picked up the endorsements of three Ron Paul county coordinators and, most importantly, the statewide coordinator of Michigan’s Ron Paul for president campaign, Leslie Roszman. This is especially important since Boman’s Republican opponent is also wooing Ron Paul supporters. Other endorsers of Boman include LNC District 6 Alternate and former Geroge Phillies chief of staff Jake Porter, and third-party historian Darcy G. Richardson.

Scotty Boman shares his name with a very famous figure in Michigan, former Detroit Red Wings coach Scotty Bowman. This is a fact that Boman has used to his advantage in each of his previous runs for office. The Boman 08 Web site features what appears to be a Red Wings hockey jersey with the name “Boman” on the back and the number “08.” Scotty Bowman coached the Red Wings to Stanley Cup victories in 1997, 1998, and 2002.

The Boman Web site outlines a plan to reach “millions of Michiganders” to spread Ron Paul’s message of “peace, liberty, and prosperity” and build the Libertarian Party. Its current goal is to raise $10,000 by July 4.

On the issues, Boman is solidly libertarian. He calls for an end to the War in Iraq, repealing drug prohibition, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, supporting choice in education and health care, repealing the income tax and replacing it with nothing, and abolishing the Federal Reserve. Boman is pictured with Mary Ruwart on the front page of the site, and his Flickr page features photos with him and Bob Barr; and with him, Steve Kubby, and Angela Keaton.

Scotty Boman was nominated on June 7 in a contested nomination. He won on the first ballot with 77.5% of the vote.

Disclosure: IPR’s editor-in-chief is a consultant for the Boman 08 campaign

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