Monday, June 23, 2008

Terror Attack Would Help McCain


An aide to Republican presidential hopeful John McCain has said he regrets telling a reporter that a terror attack on the US would be "an advantage".

Charlie Black made the comments to a journalist from Fortune magazine.

Mr McCain has distanced himself from Mr Black's comments, saying he "strenuously disagree" with him.

Meanwhile, Mr McCain's Democratic competitor Barack Obama has announced he will be holding a rally with his former rival Hillary Clinton on Friday.

Bhutto assassination

When asked whether a terror attack on US soil would help Mr McCain's campaign, Mr Black told the magazine: "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him."

In the article, Mr Black also said that the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was an "unfortunate event" that had "helped" Mr McCain's presidential bid.

Mr Black, a senior adviser to Mr McCain, later told reporters that he "deeply regretted his comments".

"They were inappropriate and I recognise that John McCain has devoted his entire adult life to protecting his country and placing its security before every other consideration," he added.

Meanwhile, the Obama campaign, which has not commented on Mr Black's remarks, announced that Mr Obama would be attending a campaign event with his former rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, in New Hampshire on Friday.

In what observers say is an attempt to bring the party together after the divisive primary battle between the two candidates, the event will be taking place in the town of Unity, where both Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton received 107 votes in January's New Hampshire primary.

The rally will be the first time Mrs Clinton has appeared on the campaign trail on behalf of Mr Obama since she suspended her presidential bid on 7 June.

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